


#region 程序集 UnityEditor.dll, v0.0.0.0
// ……\Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.dll
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace UnityEditor
    // 摘要: 
    //     Access to the selection in the editor.
    public sealed class Selection
        public Selection();
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns the active game object. (The one shown in the inspector).
        public static GameObject activeGameObject { get; set; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns the instanceID of the actual object selection. Includes prefabs,
        //     non-modifyable objects.
        public static int activeInstanceID { get; set; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns the actual object selection. Includes prefabs, non-modifyable objects.
        public static UnityEngine.Object activeObject { get; set; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns the active transform. (The one shown in the inspector).
        public static Transform activeTransform { get; set; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns the guids of the selected assets.
        public static string[] assetGUIDs { get; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns the actual game object selection. Includes prefabs, non-modifyable
        //     objects.
        public static GameObject[] gameObjects { get; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     The actual unfiltered selection from the Scene returned as instance ids instead
        //     of objects.
        public static int[] instanceIDs { get; set; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     The actual unfiltered selection from the Scene.
        public static UnityEngine.Object[] objects { get; set; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns the top level selection, excluding prefabs.
        public static Transform[] transforms { get; }
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns whether an object is contained in the current selection.
        public static bool Contains(int instanceID);
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns whether an object is contained in the current selection.
        public static bool Contains(UnityEngine.Object obj);
        // 摘要: 
        //     Returns the current selection filtered by type and mode.
        public static UnityEngine.Object[] GetFiltered(Type type, SelectionMode mode);
        // 摘要: 
        //     Allows for fine grained control of the selection type using the SelectionMode
        //     bitmask.
        public static Transform[] GetTransforms(SelectionMode mode);



public Selection();



public static GameObject            activeGameObject    { get; set; }    //返回Inspector中正显示的GameObject(Hierarchy、Project)
public static int                   activeInstanceID    { get; set; }    //返回当前物体的InstanceID(Hierarchy、Project)
public static UnityEngine.Object    activeObject        { get; set; }    //返回选择的激活物体(Hierarchy、Project)
public static Transform             activeTransform     { get; set; }    //返回选择的激活变换(Hierarchy)
public static string[]              assetGUIDs          { get; }         //返回选择资源的GUID(Project)
public static GameObject[]          gameObjects         { get; }         //返回选择的激活物体(Hierarchy、Project)
public static int[]                 instanceIDs         { get; set; }    //返回当前物体的InstanceID(Hierarchy、Project)
public static UnityEngine.Object[]  objects             { get; set; }    //返回选择的激活物体(Hierarchy、Project)
public static Transform[]           transforms          { get; }         //返回选择的激活变换(Hierarchy) 


public static bool                  Contains        (int instanceID);                //返回一个instabceID是否包含在当前选择中
public static bool                  Contains        (UnityEngine.Object obj);        //返回一个object是否包含在当前选择中
public static UnityEngine.Object[]  GetFiltered     (Type type, SelectionMode mode); //通过Type和SelectionMode的方式筛选物体
public static Transform[]           GetTransforms   (SelectionMode mode);            //通过SelectionMode筛选物体


#region 程序集 UnityEditor.dll, v0.0.0.0 // ……\Library\UnityAssemblies\UnityEditor.dll
using System;
namespace UnityEditor
    // 摘要: 
    //     SelectionMode can be used to tweak the selection returned by Selection.GetTransforms.
    public enum SelectionMode
        Unfiltered         = 0,    //整个选择(不过滤)
        TopLevel           = 1,    //返回最顶层的
        Deep               = 2,    //返回选择和选择的子物体
        ExcludePrefab      = 4,    //排除Prefab
        OnlyUserModifiable = 8,    //自有用户可更改的
        Editable           = 8,    //可编辑的
        Assets             = 16,   //资源
        DeepAssets         = 32,   //资源和子目录
